Friday 14 May 2010

Parked bikes and Practice pictures on the move.

Saw a rathern worn looking bike but was impressed with the lamp on the front. I liked the style of the bike as a whole but it would be much nicer if it weren't as beaten and rusty. Obviously well used!

I liked this bike for its basket on the front, held by a front rack rather than attached to the handlebars. Very nice.

My first few attempts at attaching my camera to my handlebars - it was not stable and my basket is too big and in the way anyway!

So This is my first on the go shot, my Mum with her not so trendy dog walking gear and both legs tucked into her walking socks.

She was even worse at taking photos since she was holding the camera upside down! But saying its not upside down on the screen! - A picture of me after my doubled over fits of laughter.

1 comment:

  1. Would you like a hand with getting pictures for the blog? I run a Manchester based bike blog and was thinking of branching out into the cycle chic scene. I can email you some of the pics I take as I bike around manchester if you like
